This website is free for all Sport Aurora Members in good standing and there are no charges for listing any Sport Member OR any sponsoring businesses, (or a business who wants to become one!) Our mandate is to provide a secure and direct connection for mutual benefits and streamline this process online.

Non-Sport Aurora Members should inquire about membership (please hyperlink this to our application form) as the benefits are many beyond this Sport Aurora Marketplace.

  Sport Aurora is also looking for sponsors and partners to inquire about these types of opportunities, click here.

Frequently asked questions

This is a web site devoted to connecting business with local sport and sport with local business. 

Local businesses are important to Local Sport Organizations. Many contribute financially through sponsorships that help keep costs low for participants, or a number of promotional reasons. It shows community support and engagement, but it is also good business when sport families choose a sponsor for their local purchases. This site allows businesses to connect directly to sport organizations for that purpose. Now businesses know where to go to connect with sport. For a list of our sport organizations click here.

Sport also wants to help local businesses. They do this by displaying these businesses on their web sites but now also on this publicly promoted marketplace. Sport Organizations and their families want to support businesses who support them. Local businesses who become sponsors get the benefit of being identified on this site for their Community support and many, if not all sports, want to promote their sponsors through social media and direct email/texting to their families, so they know who supports them. For a list of all local businesses who want this exposure, click here.

This site exists to connect you to a sport or several sports. Finding a sport is easy. Once you see something that interests you and your business goals, you can simply click on the connect button to express your interests and we do the connection. It has never been easier to find a sport to sponsor and get the benefits of being recognized for your community support. Of course, this is merely an introduction, and there are no obligations on either side.

By looking in our Shop Our Sponsors page you will see local businesses who are either already a sponsor or those who are open to sponsorship. They are identified through an icon/badge that describes their interests and affiliations. Should you wish to connect with any business, you only click here and your request will be sent directly to them. There are no obligations on either side. Let’s start a conversation!

This web site is free for all Sport Aurora Members and there are no charges for listing any member sport or any sponsoring businesses, (or a business who wants to become one)! Our mandate is to provide a secure and direct connection for mutual benefits and streamline this process on-line.

Non-Sport Aurora Members should inquire about membership as the benefits are many beyond this Sport Aurora Marketplace.

Sport Aurora is also looking for sponsors and partners so to inquire about these types of opportunities, click here.

Our SHOP OUR SPONSORS Section has all the information your families need to learn about local businesses who sponsor various Organizations. Our Sport Organizations also promote their sponsors through their own channels, so keep a lookout for that correspondence. Sport Aurora also promotes this site on all their social media channels and through traditional media. Once you see who is supporting sport, it is easy to get in touch with them and send your business to them with thanks!

To contact the Sport Aurora Marketplace, click here for more information on how to become listed.

If you are a member of Sport Aurora, you are probably here already. Check this listing to be sure. To update your profile or to be included, or if you just want more information, please click here.

Connect with our Organization today.

Elevation Athletics Association